ORC Club Online Application
Apply for an ORC Club Certificate
Just fill-out this on-line form, and the data will be processed and sent to the relevant ORC national rating office who will then contact you with any additional information needed, the certificate cost*, and when your certificate is ready. If there is no ORC Rating office in your country the certificate will be made by the ORC staff in the Central Rating Office who will contact you by e-mail.
* Certificate costs are established by each national Rating Office
* For all USA applications: for faster and more efficient service, please use the forms found at the US Sailing website on this form.
If your boat complies with One Design Class rules, you can get an ORC One Design certificate with no additional measurement required by completing this form. Please enter a valid e-mail address and as much data as possible. If you do not know the meaning of any measurements, place the cursor over the appropriate input field to get a short explanation. Further descriptions can be found in the measurement section of this website. If you still do not know where to find the data requested, leave the field blank and the Rating Office will assist in finding appropriate data for your boat.
Note that it is in your interest to provide the most accurate data possible – measured data is preferable to data that is declared or assumed by the designer, builder or other source. If you are providing data that comes from measurement, be sure to make a note of this in the “Other comments” field box.
If the data provided is unusual compared to that from other comparable designs, the Rating Office may check the data, or decide this is incorrect and supply a more reasonable figure. When a data field is left blank, a default figure will be used what will give a less favorable rating in comparison with fully measured values. And if there are unusual features to the boat or other comments you wish to make, please enter them in the “Other comments” field box.
If you prefer to maximize your rating by having a fully-measured ORC Club or ORCi certificate, contact your local measurer or Rating Office to arrange for help.
Once a valid paid certificate is issued by a rating authority, all ORC certificates will be entered automatically into the ORC Sailor Services database, where copies can be obtained and test certificates can be run for proposed changes in measurement trim. However, if these changes to the boat, its spars, sails or crew are permanent, you must contact your rating office to have a new certificate issued.