Line Honours at the ORC DH Europeans 2023 Go to White Shadow from Norway

June 16, 2023 - Helsingør, Denmark - After sailing for more than 2 days (50 hrs 50 minutes and 15 seconds), the one who got great speed through the light winds has been Norwegian WHITE SHADOW (Landmark 43) with Karl Otto Book and Maren Magda Book from Åsgårdstrand Seilforening onboard.

They crossed the finishing line in front of the Kronborg Castle at 12:50:15 - winning the Line Honours of the ORC Double Handed European Championship 2023 and of Class A.

This boat has competed in past full-crewed ORC championships (B class runner-up at the 2022 ORC Europeans in Hankø, Norway), and is now here trying DH sailing.
If Karl Otto and Maren Magda with White Shadow also will win the race to become the first-ever DH European Champions in ORC Class A, will be clear after the next boats will finish the race.

See the photos of their finishing, arrival at the marina and champagne celebrations here.